IMG_7705I woke up this morning to a less than bright room.  I figured it was a cloudy day and realized I did actually have to get up and start this day.  I have a most magnificent picture window in the front room of our house which I call our library.  It’s technically the living room of our home, but it is full of books and our piano and there’s no bothersome television and it has a great window with wooden panes that create 9 boxes in which I get to look out over the front garden.  As I came out of the hallway I could see the beautiful snow falling freshly over the garden and piles of old snow.  My heart automatically began to praise our God who created this thing called snow.  Living in Michigan and being on FaceBook, one gets to read all sorts of complaints and various post about our weather.  I’m always surprised at the number of people who are shocked that we have a winter and snow.  These are not people who are new to Michigan.  I’m not trying to be cranky, but it is this time of year that I am truly weary of said complaints.  And it’s not just FaceBook, although that certainly allows for exposure to more complaints.  Any social interaction one has generally ends up in some discussion of our weather.  Perhaps this happens in other states, I do not know as I have only ever lived in Michigan.  I really do love the diversity of our seasons, I am well aware that I am in the minority this day in my delight over this March snow.  As I was scrolling through FaceBook, a certain post caught my heart and I was prompted to write this.  It was not meant in any way other than humor, because I know the heart of this dear one who posted it.  She referred to Mother Nature and it was lighthearted and even funny.  But the Holy One quickly brought to mind the verse posted in the picture above.  This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24  And as I read through other politically charged world events, my heart kept rejoicing in the fact that our God is in charge completely, He chooses ultimately what will happen each day in our lives right down to the weather.  Yeah, I know that weather can be bad, really bad, but I know that I don’t and cannot understand all the ways of God.  But I know that our days are not left up to Mother Nature or whatever the government is attempting to do to take more of our freedoms or grant more freedom, depending on who you are listening to.  I rest in the fact that He does what He does regardless of the season that the calendar dictates.  If He chooses to shower us with lovely snow kisses the third day of March, I’ll take it.  I’ll take whatever He brings because I know who I believe and know that He is able to complete what He has started in my life and the lives of all the people who are in this world in this time period in which He has placed us.  I know that if God is for us, NOTHING can stand against us.  We don’t have to be swept away in the complaints of this world or the fear that is so easily spread through social media or conversations.  We can be still and know that He is God, He will be exalted in the nations and in the world and He will fight for us and never leave us.  We truly can FEAR NOT because He goes before us, surrounds us, and has our backs all at the same time.  That’s our God, our Father, our Savior, our Holy Guide.  Those of you who have accepted His salvation, this is your reality.  Those who have not, please ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a new way, talk out your doubts or concerns or whatever is holding you back from truly trusting or believing in Him.  He doesn’t dislike our doubts, He came to us to obliterate our doubts and fears.  Believe Him.  He will not let you down.  Oh how He loves us.

YOU unravel me, LORD GOD!! These are the words of the song that spoke to my heart all day yesterday.  I’m no longer a slave to fear.  I am a child of God.  (No Longer Slaves written by Jonathan Helser, Joel Case, & Brian Johnson/2014 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP)).  I encourage you to go to YouTube and watch the video.  It’s just WOW!

And I encourage you to just dance with our God this day.  Ask Him to open your eyes to all He has for you this day.  Enjoy Him, because He is crazy in love with you and rejoices over you with singing and quiets you with His LOVE.